Mobil ilovalar odamlarning kundalik hayotining ajralmas qismiga aylanib, ularga qulaylik, o‘yin-kulgi va kuchli vositalarni qo‘l ostida taqdim etadi. O‘zbekistondagi ana shunday mashhur mobil ilovalardan biri – Mostbet bukilish platformasi bo‘lib, u foydalanuvchilarga turli sport va tadbirlarga pul tikish imkonini beradi.

Mostbet mobil ilovasi O‘zbekistonda o‘zining qulay interfeysi, tikish imkoniyatlarining keng tanlovi va jozibador aksiyalari tufayli mashhurlikka erishdi. Ilova foydalanuvchilarga futbol, ​​basketbol, ​​tennis va boshqa sport turlariga pul tikish imkoniyatini beradi. Bundan tashqari, foydalanuvchilar virtual sport, e-sport va hatto siyosiy tadbirlarga ham pul tikishlari mumkin.

Mostbet-ning asosiy xususiyatlaridan biri bu jonli tikish opsiyasi bo'lib, u foydalanuvchilarga o'yin yoki voqea sodir bo'lganda real vaqt rejimida pul tikish imkonini beradi. Bu xususiyat foydalanuvchilar uchun qo'shimcha hayajon va faollikni oshiradi, chunki ular harakatni diqqat bilan kuzatib borishlari va shunga mos ravishda o'z garovlarini sozlashlari mumkin.

Agriculture/Food processing

Brewery. Modern beer plant with brewering kettles, tubes and tanks made of stainless steel

Food autonomy was one of the conclusions that can de drawn from the pandemic and the ensuing supply chain calamity.  The closer to the customer that food is grown and transformed, the better off we are as a society.  But these operations do impact our environment, from discharging phosphorus-laden wash water from greenhouse growing operations, to sending fats-oils & greases, TSS, ammonia nitrogen, phosphates, COD & BOD5 to the city sewers.

ECOTHOR®-EC, with its proprietary design and anodes, can cost-effectively and highly efficiently remove a multitude of contaminants from agriculture and food transformation operations.

The E2metrix advantages

  • Multiple contaminants removed simultaneously, including disinfection (high efficiency)
  • Competitive CAPEX, low cost of ownership
  • Service contract available
  • Fully automated with remote operation on multiple platforms
  • Simple-to-operate and easy-to-maintain
  • On/Off Capabilities vs biological processes
  • Compact & modular – small footprint – containers available
  • Complete treatment train available – containerized as well
  • No moving parts.

Removal Efficiencies

BOD5 80%
COD > 80%
Phosphorus > 99%
Oil and grease > 98%