Mobil ilovalar odamlarning kundalik hayotining ajralmas qismiga aylanib, ularga qulaylik, o‘yin-kulgi va kuchli vositalarni qo‘l ostida taqdim etadi. O‘zbekistondagi ana shunday mashhur mobil ilovalardan biri – Mostbet bukilish platformasi bo‘lib, u foydalanuvchilarga turli sport va tadbirlarga pul tikish imkonini beradi.

Mostbet mobil ilovasi O‘zbekistonda o‘zining qulay interfeysi, tikish imkoniyatlarining keng tanlovi va jozibador aksiyalari tufayli mashhurlikka erishdi. Ilova foydalanuvchilarga futbol, ​​basketbol, ​​tennis va boshqa sport turlariga pul tikish imkoniyatini beradi. Bundan tashqari, foydalanuvchilar virtual sport, e-sport va hatto siyosiy tadbirlarga ham pul tikishlari mumkin.

Mostbet-ning asosiy xususiyatlaridan biri bu jonli tikish opsiyasi bo'lib, u foydalanuvchilarga o'yin yoki voqea sodir bo'lganda real vaqt rejimida pul tikish imkonini beradi. Bu xususiyat foydalanuvchilar uchun qo'shimcha hayajon va faollikni oshiradi, chunki ular harakatni diqqat bilan kuzatib borishlari va shunga mos ravishda o'z garovlarini sozlashlari mumkin.

Landfill Leachate

Pile of domestic garbage in landfill dump site.

Landfill Leachate

Typical landfills produce a toxic “soup” – a water effluent full of metals, nutrients, organic material, pathogens and more.  Landfill operators will either treat this captured effluent onsite for discharge to the environment, or more often than not, send the leachate to the municipal wastewater treatment facility, either via sewers or tanker-trucks.

The ECOTHOR® electrotechnology platform can support landfill operators and dump remediation sites by providing cost-effective solutions in a number of ways:

  • ECOTHOR®-EC can polish the leachate by removing heavy metals, such as zinc, and BOD5;
  • ECOTHOR®-EC can remove ammonia nitrogen, phosphates, and other contaminants from raw or treated leachate;
  • ECOTHOR®-EOx can destroy ammonia nitrogen as a polishing step;
  • ECOTHOR®-EOx can provide onsite PFAS destruction capabilities.

The E2metrix advantages

  • Multiple contaminants removed simultaneously, with disinfection (high efficiency)
  • Complete leachate treatment train available – Containerized as well
  • Competitive CAPEX, low cost of ownership
  • Service contract available
  • Fully automated with remote operation on multiple platforms
  • Simple-to-operate and easy-to-maintain
  • On/Off Capabilities vs biological processes
  • Compact & modular – small footprint – containers available
  • No moving parts.

Removal Efficiencies – Landfill Leachate

Total Ammonia Nitrogen 98%
Zn 80-90%
Coliforms > 97%
BOD5 > 95%